City Council


Q:  When and where are the City Council meetings?

A:  The City Council meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of every month beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Arcola City Hall, 114 N. Locust.


Q:  How can I be placed on the agenda for a City Council meeting?

A:  You may stop by City Hall to complete a form to be placed on the agenda.  Forms must be returned to City Hall by noon on the Friday prior to the requested meeting.


Q:  How can I request information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act?

A:  You may stop by City Hall to complete a Freedom of Information Act Request form. Forms are available online here.




Q:  Where do I call to report a complaint regarding weeds or trash on properties within the City Limits?

A:  All weed and trash complaints are to be handled by the Arcola Police Department?  Complaint forms are available here.


Q:  Who should I contact with all other complaints?

A:  You may contact our City Administrator at City Hall (217)-268-4966 or your council member.  Council members are listed here.




Q:  Are residents allowed to burn landscape and yard waste?

A:  Residents are allowed to burn yard waste so long as the burning is done 20 feet from any structure and when it does not create a visible hazard on roadways or railraod tracks. A guide on Open Burning in Illinois can be found here.


Q:  When are residents permitted to burn landscape and yard waste?

A:  Residents are allowed to burn during the hours of 12:00 noon to 7:00 pm. According to the City Ordinance, fire must be extinguished and smoldering discontinued by 7:00 pm.


Q:  Are residents permitted to have bonfires in the City?

A:  Residents are allowed to have campfires for recreational and cooking purposes.




Q:  How do I apply for water service?

A:        1) come to City Hall in person and complete a written application for service;

             2) present driver’s license or some other form of photo identification; and

             3) make a $100 deposit.                      


Q:  When is my deposit returned?

A: Deposits may be:            1) applied to final bill;

                                               2) refunded if final bill is paid in full; or

                                               3) transferred to another account with a different address.


Q:  When is my water/sewer bill due?

A:  Water bills are due on the 10th day of each month.

            **Late charges (10% of the bill) are automatically added on the 11th of each month.


Q:  Should my water be disconnected due to nonpayment, what are the requirements to have it reconnected?

A:  Notice on the water bill states that “Water Service will be shut off if any past due balance is not paid by the 20th of this month, unless a written request for hearing on disputed bill is received by City Collector before said date.  A charge of $15.00 will be made for disconnecting and $15.00 for reconnecting water services. The fee for a returned check is $25.00.


Q:  Where should I pay my water bill?

A:  Payments may be:  1) mailed to the address on the bill (P.O. Box 215)

                                       2) dropped in the night deposit slot at City Hall; or

                                       3) paid in person during business hours at City Hall.


Q: Can I pay my water/sewer bill with a credit card?

A: Yes, you may pay in person or call in to 217-268-4966.


Q:  What should I do if I cannot afford to pay my water bill?

A:  If a customer is unable to pay his or her water and sewer bill in full by the 20th, he or she may come to City Hall and enter into a written, deferred payment agreement with the City.


Q:  If I fill a swimming pool, do I have to pay the sewer portion of water used to fill the pool?

A:  Yes.


Q:  Who should I contact if I have a water leak after hours or on the weekend?

A:  Please contact Arcola Police Department.  


Q:  Are water meter readings ever estimated?

A:  We have advanced digital meters that report daily usage to City Hall so there is no longer a need to estimate usage.


Q:  Who should I contact if I am having problems with my sewer lines?

A:  Contact Arcola City Hall at 217-268-4966 during normal business hours. If you have issues after hours or on the weekend, please contact Arcola Police Department.