World's One & Only Hippie Memorial
135 N. Oak Street
Arcola, Illinois 61910
Phone: 217-268-4530, Fax: 217-268-3690
Web site:www.arcolachamber.com
E-mail: staff@arcolachamber.com
Arcola is also known for housing the world's only Hippie Memorial, created by the late Bob Moomaw. Bob worked as a railroad clerk and tax assessor, but did not like either job. As an eccentric, independent artist with strong beliefs, he was able to give voice to his feelings, passions and opinions through his art and the writing on the sides of his buildings. He created the 62 feet-long artwork starting in 1992 to say something about his life and the era during which he lived. A nearby marker gives an interpretation of his work. The monument is located next door to the historic Illinois Central Arcola Train Depot.